Snooker Loopy

Snooker has always been a big part of my life as I was brought up in a sports mad family. We always had a small snooker table in our house and we all loved playing on it. But it was my younger brother (Chris Norbury) who really took to it and had a real talent. From the age of 8 years he started to have some coaching and from then snooker really took over my families life. I spent most weekends of my teenage years travelling to different parts of the country while Chris played in a Snooker competition, I always loved going to watch him and cheering him on.

My mum and dad had to keep extending the house so that they could fit a bigger table in, until they eventually had a room big enough to fit in a Full size snooker table as Chris had already decided by this point that he wanted it to be his career. Nowadays Chris is a Professional Snooker Player and he also owns a Snooker Club. In the past I have used my crafty genius to make the badges he wears on his waistcoats and have always wanted to make some snooker related items.

Many of my recent custom orders have involved embroidery. Getting creative designing embroidery patterns, and the fact that my parents had set up a display cabinet for my products in the snooker club gave me a great opportunity to advertise.

I started embroidering snooker cue towels. Initially I made a batch with the club name on and personalised one for my brother.

With my brother’s assistance which is greatly appreciated the orders started to flood in. Which has been great for the business and opened new doors for me too, as well as maximising my usage of my Brother Innov-is 1250 sewing machine. I have been asked to embroider numerous other items including polo shirts, Referee Gloves etc.

You can check out my brother’s snooker club website here or if your in the Preston area of Lancashire you can pop in 7 days a week to see my items on display.

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