It’s been a wee while since I last posted here, and yes! I know I always say that.
As you may know I had my first child ‘Noah’ at the end of October. I had a nice couple of month’s relaxing in front of the TV clearing the backlog on my Sky planner prior to the birth.
I can’t believe how time has flown. Noah is now 12 weeks old although it feel’s like only day’s have passed. I was hoping to use the time to really turn the heat up on my business but so far have had little time to myself. Thankfully business has picked up on my website as I decided to hold back on craft fairs and such due to time restrictions and the cost’s involved in attending these events, due to the fact that my husband would gorge all our profits on the cake and coffee stalls around us.
I thought I’d share a picture of baby Noah and myself and promise to return soon with some fantastic new products.

It’s amazing how fast he has grown. He has my looks, as he is so cute, but definitely takes after his dad in the size department. At 12 weeks old he is in 6-9 month clothes. There is a massive pile of clothes at the bottom of his wardrobe that no longer fit him. I feel that I may have to get sewing them together to make new items as it seems such a waste. Some item’s were literally worn once.

One last note, one of my latest products, Children’s Apron’s have been flying of the internet shelf. I can make these in a wide arrange of fabrics although currently my website only shows a cheeky monkey fabric. Check them out here and help me spread the word about my website.